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From: Ingo_Juergensmann@p19.f413.n2449.z2.fido.sub.org (Ingo Juergensmann)
Organization: AmigaXess - home of net.persons of Amiga.Ger
Path: f413.n2449.z2.fidonet.org!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: fido.ger.amiga
Subject: Re: Dave = Gott ?
Message-ID: <46021977@p19.f413.n2449.z2.fidonet.org>
References: <MSGID_2=3A240=2F1003.36=40fidonet_840404BE@fidonet.org>
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 1995 12:00:52 +0200
Hallo Carsten,
am 04 Aug 95 06:49:29 hast Du zum Thema 'Re: Dave = Gott ?' geschrieben
> IJ> Interessant ist es immer, wenn Randell auf Dave trifft. Z.B. hat
> IJ> Randell einen A3000+ mit *funktionierendem DSP, wohingegen Dave's DSP
> IJ> kaputt ist. Hat Dave an seinem DSP etwa zu viel herumgespielt? ;-)))
> Bin zwar auch schon seit ein paar Jahren Amigauser, aber von nem A3000+ hab
> ich noch nichts gehoert.
Nicht??? ===:-O
Ich hatte schon vor ein paar Jahren (lang, lang ist's her ;) einen Blick in
die Infos von C= bez. des A3000+ werfen koennen. Leider ist dann ja
aufgrund eines Management-Fehlers nur die ganz stark abgespeckte Version
davon auf den Markt gekommen: der A4000.
Reply-To: "Randell Jesup",jesup@scala.scala.com
Newsgroup: internet.COMP.SYS.AMIGA.HARDWARE
Receive-Date: Sonntag, 23-Jul-95 10:34:38
Creation-Date: Samstag, 22-Jul-95 08:43:38
dave.haynie@scala.com (Dave Haynie) wrote:
>>All this talk of AAA, A4000T, etc, has left me wondering about the A3000+
>>Didn't this thing have a DSP on the motherboard,
>Yes, an AT&T DSP3210. Support 32-bit floating point at 25MFLOPS (for
>the 50MHz version).
Mine never worked faster than 14Mhz. Must have been all those
jumpers.... ;-) Eric's worked at 20.
>>an optional Z-III card with dual DSP,
>That came later, as kind of a spinoff. Management wouldn't allow DSP
>on the motherboard, but after management changed, it was a possibility
>on a Zorro III card. C= never built it, but they licensed the
>design. I saw one of these a few weeks ago.
It turned out to be a better design, as bus-access for the DSP
was a problem - the processor would bus-lock when being held off by
chipram. Fixing this would have been MAJOR work to the CPU/ram/AA interfaces.
It DID work, but high-bandwidth video modes caused problems as the DSP got
locked out for too long. Fixable, but only by changing how chip-mem holdoff
was done.
>>I think this machine kicks the A4000T. Of course, you get rid of the 030
>>and 882 on the motherboard, and put in a nice 040 or 060 daughter-card (WITH
>>on-board RAM).
>The plan was, after the Rev 1 board, to go to '040 on the motherboard,
>including a real '040 RAM subsystem. Unfortunately, Rev 2 turned out
>to be a step backward, as the management needed a test platform for
>AA, but didn't want the A3000+ to get anywhere near production (well,
>it was started under the past administration, and we wouldn't want any
>of their stuff to succeed, even if we have to kill the company in the
I did my best Dave; at least we managed to get some AA machines
kicked loose. (Dave and I had a late-night bitch-session in the lab
the winter/spring before AA machines showed up, which caused me to write
some VERY carefully worded memos to management, and which I'm told helped
kick things over the cliff so AA machines got produced. The 3000+ proposal
didn't make it.)
>>The DSP would give the Amiga a little something extra, and with very
>>little effort.
>The A3000+ certainly would have made a better A4000. It would have
>lent MFLOPS to video folks' rendering software, real 16-bit audio and
>out-of-the-box hard disk recording to musicians, etc. I don't know if
>it's the kind of thing to resurrect now or not; the DSP system isn't
>really expensive, but there's less price headroom to play with now
>than there was back in '91. Though I would buy one (ok, I actually
>have one, but the DSP doesn't work...).
Hey dave, I'm posting from one with a DSP that works.... <grin>
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
#include <std/disclaimer>
Exon food: <offensive words censored by order of the Senate>
So, das nur mal so als kleine Info... es gibt sicherlich noch mehr ueber
den 3000+ zu sagen. IMHO haette es wirklich wieder einen enormen Vorsprung
des Amigas vor den PC gebracht, haette es der 3000+ wirklich in die
Produktion geschafft...
> Mit DSP ? Ist ja genial. Was kann man denn damit schoenes anstellen ?
> Nur mal so interessehalber gefragt :)
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